Animal III

For Tuesday, March 30th

First storyboard.

For Thursday, March 31st

Suggestions from Q to add more scalar views, and to add more hints to reason for endangerment.
Storyboard to roughly represent what will be on screen each second.

For this version, I included more zooming in on the birds, and a more gradual reveal of how many houses there are to show overdevelopment on the territory of the piping plover.

Link to storyboard animation:

Link to animation progress:

For Tuesday, April 6th

Creating frames for next scene of waves which will continue throughout the video.
Bird poses.
Bird and chick reference images.

Will later make an ai. file for each bird to have separate body parts by layer for individual movement.

Adjusted text to fade out as it’s washed out by the shore.

Progress so far (waves in second part maybe going too fast? so far looks too simple, not sure what to add):

For Thursday, April 8th

Changed up some of the timing, added close-up scene and small movements like the wing moving and blinking, and a head tilt in the last scene.

*Actual colors don’t look this muted in AE.

For Thursday, April 14th

Colors looked much brighter while encoding but does not export as such. Sigh.

